Monday, August 15, 2022

August 14 Sermon and Announcements



August 14, 2022


Walk Humbly with the Lord

Romans 12:3-18, 21


I am going to start this morning by sharing very briefly what I shared in more detail at executive committee meeting Wednesday night. We have not had an in-depth discussion about what truly is the main driving force for the faith and beliefs I have. The only church, the only denomination I have ever been a part of is The Church of the Brethren, so one might believe I am in agreement with most all that The Church of the Brethren from top to bottom believes. The fact of the matter is I have never been guided by what this or any denomination believes or advocates.


What has been the motivation for what I believe is plainly and simply the understanding I have been led to by the Holy Sirit from the Bible itself. I have been challenged by the teaching of this denomination and the events happening in this nation and world to find answers and understanding from the Bible and only the Bible. You and I can read books about the Bible and faith but the final reason for any of us to believe what we believe should be confirmed in God’s holy guide book, the Bible. You should not go by what I say or what any other Bible scholar of theology says if it cannot be backed up in scripture.


I wanted to start this morning by pointing out that there are some things that the leadership in The Church of the Brethren currently advocate that I do not agree with, and my reason for that is not because I just do not like it. It is because I do not see a basis in scripture for what is being said or advocated. This morning’s scripture tells us what we as God’s people should have as the driving force and motivation for everything we believe and do and these verses are what I try to live up to. Verse 3 encourages us to be always looking at what we believe and how we live our lives. We must be careful not to be full of ourselves, to be honest with ourselves first of all and our motivations. Then to understand how we need each other within the church. God has called us all to do something, but not everyone is necessarily called to do the same things. We must understand there is no one role in the church that is more important than another. We are simply called to embrace what God is calling us to do and support one another so God’s word goes forward. We are then encouraged to have love that is sincere. None of us would want to admit insincerity but in verse 9 we are warned about that possibility simply because it is stated to that love be sincere. Then we are told to hate evil, but to cling to what is good. There is evil in the world and we sometimes hate to be so blunt as to say it, but we are told it is ok to hate, if it is evil we hate. We are encouraged to grab hold of what is good as tightly as we can. In others words, stand up with Godly confidence on what is right and true that the Bible clearly states.


Throughout these verses we have read this morning, on at least three occasions we are told to live humbly before God and our fellow believers. In verse 3, verse 10, and verse 16 we are being told to watch out for what motivates us. As we walk humbly before the Lord, we are at the same time encouraged to never be lacking in zeal, but to keep our, as it says, spiritual fervor. All of this under the banner of serving the Lord.


Then we are given a checklist of things that should be flowing through us as God’s children:

1.                 Be joyful in hope.

2.                 Be patient in affliction.

3.                 Be faithful in Prayer.

4.                 Share with God’s people, practice hospitality.

5.                 Bless those who persecute.

6.                 Rejoice with those who rejoice.

7.                 Mourn with those who mourn.

8.                 Live in harmony with one another.

9.                 Associate with everyone.

10.      Do not be conceited.

11.      Do not repay anyone evil for evil.

12.      As much as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

13.      Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome with good.


Wow! What a list! How are you doing with that?


I encourage you to mark these verses in your Bible and

refer to them from time to time to do the self-evaluation we are encouraged to do. I skipped the warning of verse 19 to not take revenge ourselves but to leave it to God.


So, what is the point to this morning’s message? The title is “Walk humbly with the Lord.” I may say things from the pulpit that not everyone agrees with. I will do my best to explain what I feel led me to share and back it up from the Bible itself.


These verses remind us how much God needs all of us doing what God has and is calling us to do. We are all equally important in God’s eyes. Walking humbly before God should always be a characteristic of a Christian. At the same time, if we are being led by the Holy Spirit and using the Bible in an honest and accurate way to share God’s truth, we cannot allow the world to lead us to compromise.


Thank you for your faithfulness and your commitment to the Lord. We may not always agree on everything but may God’s spirit always guide and direct us as we seek to share God’s love, mercy, grace and righteousness as we are encouraged to do. To keep us on the right track, we have been given no less than 13 different guiding principles here in Romans 12 to refer to as we live out our lives for Christ.


God loves you and I also love and appreciate what this congregation has meant to this community in the past and look forward to what God will do through you and me in the future. God bless you all.

Pastor Larry


August 14, 2022


Walk Humbly with the Lord

Romans 12:3-18, 21


I am going to start this morning by sharing very briefly what I shared in more detail at executive committee meeting Wednesday night. We have not had an in-depth discussion about what truly is the main driving force for the faith and beliefs I have. The only church, the only denomination I have ever been a part of is The Church of the Brethren, so one might believe I am in agreement with most all that The Church of the Brethren from top to bottom believes. The fact of the matter is I have never been guided by what this or any denomination believes or advocates.


What has been the motivation for what I believe is plainly and simply the understanding I have been led to by the Holy Sirit from the Bible itself. I have been challenged by the teaching of this denomination and the events happening in this nation and world to find answers and understanding from the Bible and only the Bible. You and I can read books about the Bible and faith but the final reason for any of us to believe what we believe should be confirmed in God’s holy guide book, the Bible. You should not go by what I say or what any other Bible scholar of theology says if it cannot be backed up in scripture.


I wanted to start this morning by pointing out there is much in what the leadership in The Church of the Brethren currently advocates that I do not agree with and my reason for that is not because I just do not like it. It is because I do not see a basis in scripture for what is being said or advocated. This morning’s scripture tells us what we as God’s people should have as the driving force and motivation for everything we believe and do and these verses are what I try to live up to. Verse 3 encourages us to be always looking at what we believe and how we live our lives. We must be careful not to be full of ourselves, to be honest with ourselves first of all and our motivations. Then to understand how we need each other within the church. God has called us all to do something, but not everyone is necessarily called to do the same things. We must understand there is no one role in the church that is more important than another. We are simply called to embrace what God is calling us to do and support one another so God’s word goes forward. We are then encouraged to have love that is sincere. None of us would want to admit insincerity but in verse 9 we are warned about that possibility simply because it is stated to that love be sincere. Then we are told to hate evil, but to cling to what is good. There is evil in the world and we sometimes hate to be so blunt as to say it, but we are told it is ok to hate, if it is evil we hate. We are encouraged to grab hold of what is good as tightly as we can. In others words, stand up with Godly confidence on what is right and true that the Bible clearly states.


Throughout these verses we have read this morning, on at least three occasions we are told to live humbly before God and our fellow believers. In verse 3, verse 10, and verse 16 we are being told to watch out for what motivates us. As we walk humbly before the Lord, we are at the same time encouraged to never be lacking in zeal, but to keep our, as it says, spiritual fervor. All of this under the banner of serving the Lord.


Then we are given a checklist of things that should be flowing through us as God’s children:

1.                 Be joyful in hope.

2.                 Be patient in affliction.

3.                 Be faithful in Prayer.

4.                 Share with God’s people, practice hospitality.

5.                 Bless those who persecute.

6.                 Rejoice with those who rejoice.

7.                 Mourn with those who mourn.

8.                 Live in harmony with one another.

9.                 Associate with everyone.

10.      Do not be conceited.

11.      Do not repay anyone evil for evil.

12.      As much as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

13.      Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome with good.


Wow! What a list! How are you doing with that?


I encourage you to mark these verses in your Bible and

refer to them from time to time to do the self-evaluation we are encouraged to do. I skipped the warning of verse 19 to not take revenge ourselves but to leave it to God.


So, what is the point to this morning’s message? The title is “Walk humbly with the Lord.” I may say things from the pulpit that not everyone agrees with. I will do my best to explain what I feel led me to share and back it up from the Bible itself.


These verses remind us how much God needs all of us doing what God has and is calling us to do. We are all equally important in God’s eyes. Walking humbly before God should always be a characteristic of a Christian. At the same time, if we are being led by the Holy Spirit and using the Bible in an honest and accurate way to share God’s truth, we cannot allow the world to lead us to compromise.


Thank you for your faithfulness and your commitment to the Lord. We may not always agree on everything but may God’s spirit always guide and direct us as we seek to share God’s love, mercy, grace and righteousness as we are encouraged to do. To keep us on the right track, we have been given no less than 13 different guiding principles here in Romans 12 to refer to as we live out our lives for Christ.


God loves you and I also love and appreciate what this congregation has meant to this community in the past and look forward to what God will do through you and me in the future. God bless you all.

Pastor Larry





Tuesday 9:30 Bible Study


September 10 Work Day—meal provided by Women’s Fellowship


Offering plates are in the back of the sanctuary. Thank you for your continued giving!


Donation Box: AC bills

First Sundays: food donations for food banks


Pastor Larry Traxler- (217) 454-2362


To keep up on Church of the Brethren news:

Denomination: Sign up for Newsline by clicking link on left side of page.

District: (click on newsletter link) and on facebook

Our pages: (printed sermon, announcements, & calendar) and on facebook

 Keep in Your Prayers

Duane Born family; Judy Tuvall and family; Devon Wright; Mike Nuding; Michelle West; Carolyn Hirsch; Eli Brunner; Nancy Fansler; Joe Waltz; Doug Larrick; Anna Rose Larrick; Ron & Kathleen Petersen; Anna Gentry Thompson; Louis & Carol Sulwer; Maralyn Heckman; Debbie Leibrock; Dorthea Wood; Sonna Hall; Tina Wilhelm; Baby Tate; Bryce Ashenfelter; Mindy Sawyer; Marlene Schultz; Sarah Rudelick; Carl and Wilma Cable; Mike and Carol Seidenstricker;  Adiline Young; Kim Lehmann; Doug Fansler; Candy Dobson; Shawn Cain; Robert Cripe; Mayo & Darlene Hanaver; Zola Copeland; Patty Cripe; Lauren Gross; Stacie Warren; Nancy Gorrell; many unspoken requests; Coronavirus crisis; healthcare workers and first responders; the families of those who have died from COVID-19; those who are ill from the virus; victims of disasters; victims of shootings; nursing home residents; the Nigerian church; Haitian Brethren; Ukraine; Hope Welty Library

Military and Other Services and their families

Brethren Volunteer Service workers; Disaster project workers

District Prayer Calendar: Pray for the Peoria congregation


Church of the Brethren vision statement:

Together, as the Church of the Brethren, we will passionately live and share the radical transformation and holistic peace of Jesus Christ through relationship-based neighborhood engagement. To move us forward, we will develop a culture of calling and equipping disciples who are innovative, adaptable, and fearless.


Our Mission Statement:

Love God, grow with others, serve faithfully, reach the lost, find peace.







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