Monday, March 27, 2023

Sermon and Announcements March 26


March 26, 2023

It’s About Time to Go

John 16:16-33

We are two weeks from Easter. For the past four Sundays we

have seen how God told Isaiah what was going to happen when

the Savior comes to the world. That a Savior would come to

redeem His people. The Assyrians were the dominant nation at

the time of the message Isaiah delivered to God’s people.

However, soon the Babylonians would over run Israel and rule

over God’s people. During this time the Jewish people would

ask God to deliver them from the Babylonians. Isaiah gave

God’s message that in His time a deliverer would come.

As we move forward to see what is happening in chapter 16 of

John, we see Jesus’ ministry is about to come to an end. Jesus

had been sharing almost exclusively with God’s people, the

Jewish people, for three years now. Going from city to city

teaching from the mountain tops to the synagogues to

everyone who would listen. Jesus had assembled to help with

His mission 12 disciples. Jesus knows his time is drawing to a

close. Recently Jesus more and more was trying to prepare His

disciples for what was about to happen. The first verse we read

this morning has Jesus sending some strange mixed signals. He

tells his disciples, “In a little while you will see me no more, and

the after a while you will see me.” They immediately ask one

another what in the world is he saying and what does it mean.

Jesus then goes on to say they won’t see him, “Because I am

going to the Father.” The disciples clearly have no idea what is

about to happen to Jesus. Jesus then gives them another

glimpse of what is about to happen.

In verse 20 Jesus says, “I tell you the truth you will weep ad

mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief

will turn to joy.” This has to be the most confusing message

Jesus has ever given them. Things for the most part have been

going along pretty well and now all of a sudden is this message

that does not seem to make sense. Jesus tries to explain that

what is going to happen will turn out to be the best thing that

could possibly happen. Continuing with verse 22 Jesus says, “So

with you; no is your time of grief but I will see you again and

you will rejoice and no one will take away your joy.” What a

promise of hope.

While the disciples are confused by everything Jesus is saying to

them he is trying to help them understand what is about

tohappen, what must happen and it will all be good. He also

knows right now they do not understand but soon they will.

Jesus then goes on to explain just exactly who he is. In the 27 th

and 28 th verses Jesus explains, “No, the Father himself loves you

because you have loved me, and believed I have come from

God. I came from the Father and entered the world; now I am

leaving the world and going back to the Father.”

It seems like the disciples understand what Jesus is telling them

when we see what their response is in verse 30. They say, “Now

we can see that you know all things and you do not even need

to have anyone ask questions. This makes us believe that you

came from God.” Jesus is clearly feeling good about where the

disciples are as he knows it is about time to go. Jesus fully

understands that in spite of what they are saying they cannot

be truly prepared for what is about to happen.

In the account given by Luke we can see that Jesus even had

told his disciples in detail, what would happen to him. In Luke

18:31-33 he tells them what will happen including being

arrested, beaten, killed and the fact he would come back to life

again. Before these all come to pass Jesus warned them of one

more thing that they would do. In John 16:32 we read, “But a

time is coming and has come, when you will be scattered each

to his own home. You will leave me all along, yet I am not

alone, for my father, is with me.”

Jesus understands that his disciples will be scared and

disillusioned, doubt will set in in spite of what they had just said

to Jesus. Jesus is telling them it is okay. I understand and I am

going to be just fine. Jesus is also telling them all these things so

when these things happen, they will believe even stronger

about who Jesus is and that it is all part of God’s plan. Jesus

then closes out what he has been sharing with them these

incredible words of encouragement. In verse 33 Jesus says, “I

have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have

overcome the world.”

I cannot imagine what it was really like to be there and

experience everything the disciples had experienced. But when

Jesus first off warned them they would all scatter in different

directions when Jesus was arrested and put through what he

was about to go through, Jesus is assuring them it is going to be

alright. When Jesus then let them know, I love you so don’t get

down on yourself when this all happens because I knows things

in life get hard. Jesus is actually saying to them you should be

encouraged by the fact I understand, God understands. When

he states the obvious when he says, “In this world you will have

trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world,” that is a

message for all of us. God does not expect us to be perfect. God

knows we won’t always be able to do the “right thing”. His love

for us will always be there.

Jesus knew for a while it would seem like the end of the world

for his disciples. But just hang in there, help is on the way. That

is what God is saying to us as well. There maybe some dark

days we all will face, but hang in there I am there with you

always. Take heart I have and will always be there to help you

through every difficult moment you will face in life. Don’t give

up, don’t quit. I am there with you always. Take heart together,

we will overcome whatever you will face. Jesus is saying I have

won the victory for everyone who remains faithful and believes.

The disciples will soon ride a roller coaster of emotions. His

message is and always will be don’t give up, don’t lose heart.

We together will overcome every challenge Satan ad this world

throws at you.

Pastor Larry


Tuesdays 9:30 Bible Study

March 28 12:00 Women’s Fellowship luncheon at East End Grill

(airport). Meet at church at 11:30 to carpool, if you want. Let

Carol or Kathy know if you are coming (carpool or going


April newsletter deadline: March 28

Mowing sign up list is in the back. Thank you in advance to

those who sign up. So is a sign up sheet if you are interested in

starting Sunday School again.

Offering plates are in the back of the sanctuary. Thank you for

your continued giving!

Donation Box: Camp Emmanuel

First Sundays: food donations for food banks

Pastor Larry Traxler- (217) 454-2362

To keep up on Church of the Brethren news:

Denomination: Sign up for Newsline by

clicking link on left side of page.

District: (click on newsletter link) and on facebook

Our pages: (printed sermon,

announcements, & calendar) and on facebook

Keep in Your Prayers

Todd Henricks; Tate Sawyer; Jonah Martina; Jan Bower; Larry

Traxler; Michelle West; Michelle’s mom; Carolyn Hirsch; Eli

Brunner; Nancy Fansler; Joe Waltz; Doug Larrick; Ron &

Kathleen Petersen; Debbie Leibrock; Dorthea Wood; Tina

Wilhelm; Mindy Sawyer; Marlene Schultz; Carl and Wilma

Cable; Mike and Carol Seidenstricker; Adiline Young; Kim

Lehmann; Doug Fansler; Shawn Cain; Robert Cripe; Mayo &

Darlene Hanaver; Patty Cripe; Lauren Gross; Stacie Warren;

Nancy Gorrell; many unspoken requests; Coronavirus;

healthcare workers and first responders; victims of disasters;

victims of shootings; shut-ins; the Nigerian church; Haitian

Brethren; Ukraine; Hope Welty Library; Florida; Puerto Rico;

Turkey/Syria earthquake

Military and Other Services and their families

Brethren Volunteer Service workers; Disaster project workers

District Prayer Calendar: Dixon congregation and the

Discipleship Ministries office of the denomination

Church of the Brethren vision statement:

Together, as the Church of the Brethren, we will passionately live

and share the radical transformation and holistic peace of Jesus

Christ through relationship-based neighborhood engagement. To

move us forward, we will develop a culture of calling and

equipping disciples who are innovative, adaptable, and fearless.

Our Mission Statement:

Love God, grow with others, serve faithfully, reach the lost,

find peace.

Monday, March 20, 2023

March 19 Sermon and Announcements


March 19, 2023

Who Is Jesus? – Part 4

Isaiah 53:10-12

We are going to finish our look at what Isaiah was led to tell the

Jewish people in Chapter 53. We are looking at verse 10 again

this Sunday. This time looking at the last part of verse 10. We

read, “He will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the

will of the Lord will prosper his hand.” How can this verse be

talking about Jesus? Jesus was never married so how can it be

about him when it says he will see his offspring? In Acts 17:27-

28 we read, “God did this so that men would seek him and

perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far

from each one of us. For in him we live and move and have our

being. As some of your own poets have said, we are his

offspring.” So we see after Jesus went back to be with God the

Father Paul is making the case that we are his offspring by what

God did for us through Jesus. Verse 11 lets everyone know after

the suffering of his soul he will see the light of life and that

through the Savior’s righteousness many will be justified and he

will have bore their iniquities. Why has this happened? Verse

12 says he will have poured out his life unto death. He will take

the transgressions of the people upon himself. Taking their sins

and is interceding on the people’s behalf.

Now let us see what the New Testament says about these

things that we have read in verse 11 and 12. In 1 Corinthians

15:3-4 we read, “I passed onto you of first importance that

Christ died for our sins according to scriptures, that he was

buried, that he was raised on the third day.” Then we read in

Romans 5:9, “For just as through the disobedience of the one

man the many were made sinners, so also through the

obedience of the one the many will be made righteous.” In

Philippians 2:8 we read, “And being found in appearance as a

man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death even

death on a cross.” Why was Jesus willing to do this? Jesus knew

his mission.

In Luke 22:37 he quotes verse 12 of Isaiah 53when he tells his

disciples, “It is written: And he was numbered with the

transgressors and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes

what is written about me is reaching it’s fulfillment.” Jesus

being God fully understood what had been told to Isaiah 700

years earlier. That his mission was to die for the transgressions

of God’s creation. Jesus also knew that that was not the end of

his job. The last part of Isaiah 53:12 says, “For he bore the sin of

many and made intersession for the transgressors.” Going back

to the New Testament we read what is said in Hebrews 7:25 we

read, “Therefore he is able to save completely those who come

to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for

them. Did you notice what was said in verse 25? It says Jesus

lives to intercede for them. In other words Jesus is alive

interceding, pleading the case for you and me with God the

Father. Death did not stop him. He is alive.

Beginning next week, we will look in detail at what Jesus

willingly went through for us. We will see some of the highs and

lows of Jesus’ final weeks before his appointment with the

cross and the grave. Chapter 53 of Isaiah foretold to the

Israelites that help was on the way. We now know that the

Savior was not to be someone who would rule over earthly

kingdoms as the Israelites wanted. As Jesus told Pilate in John

18:36, “My kingdom is not of this world.” Victory is on the way.

Not a victory that is one nation over another. Instead, victory

that is for eternity in God’s eternal kingdom.

As we have seen over the last four weeks everything God

inspired Isaiah to tell His people would and did come true. The

Savior will come to bring victory to all of God’s people. What

has always been essential is that every person must come to

the place of accepting God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness.

What is also essential is to realize we have all sinned and have

need of a Savior. As we have seen matching Isaiah with the

New Testament accounts, Jesus is that Savior. May we embrace

God’s grace this Easter season with a new sense of love and

thankfulness for God is good.

Pastor Larry

Tuesdays 9:30 Bible Study

March 28 12:00 Women’s Fellowship luncheon at East End Grill (airport). Let Carol know if you are coming and if you want to carpool (meet at 11:30 at church).

Mowing sign up list is in the back. Thank you in advance to

those who sign up. Also a sign up sheet if you are interested in attending a Sunday School class.

Offering plates are in the back of the sanctuary. Thank you for

your continued giving!

Donation Box: Camp Emmanuel

First Sundays: food donations for food banks

Pastor Larry Traxler- (217) 454-2362

To keep up on Church of the Brethren news:

Denomination: Sign up for Newsline by

clicking link on left side of page.

District: (click on newsletter link) and on facebook

Our pages: (printed sermon,

announcements, & calendar) and on facebook

Keep in Your Prayers

Todd Henricks; Tate Sawyer; Jonah Martina; Jan Bower; Larry

Traxler; Michelle West; Michelle’s mom; Carolyn Hirsch; Eli

Brunner; Nancy Fansler; Joe Waltz; Doug Larrick; Ron &

Kathleen Petersen; Debbie Leibrock; Dorthea Wood; Tina

Wilhelm; Mindy Sawyer; Marlene Schultz; Carl and Wilma

Cable; Mike and Carol Seidenstricker; Adiline Young; Kim

Lehmann; Doug Fansler; Shawn Cain; Robert Cripe; Mayo &

Darlene Hanaver; Patty Cripe; Lauren Gross; Stacie Warren;

Nancy Gorrell; many unspoken requests; Coronavirus;

healthcare workers and first responders; victims of disasters;

victims of shootings; shut-ins; the Nigerian church; Haitian

Brethren; Ukraine; Hope Welty Library; Florida; Puerto Rico;

Turkey/Syria earthquake

Military and Other Services and their families

Brethren Volunteer Service workers; Disaster project workers

District Prayer Calendar: Chicago First Church and the

Intercultural Ministries Office

Church of the Brethren vision statement:

Together, as the Church of the Brethren, we will passionately live

and share the radical transformation and holistic peace of Jesus

Christ through relationship-based neighborhood engagement. To

move us forward, we will develop a culture of calling and

equipping disciples who are innovative, adaptable, and fearless.

Our Mission Statement:

Love God, grow with others, serve faithfully, reach the lost,

find peace.

Monday, March 13, 2023

March 12 Sermon and Announcements


March 12, 2023

Who Is Jesus? – Part 3

Isaiah 53:7-10

As we continue our look at Who Is Jesus a little review. Two

weeks ago we read how the Messiah would come from what

would seem to be an average home. He would have nothing

special going for him that might attract people to him. Last

week we read how Jesus was rejected by most of the people he

came to minister to. How he would be verbally and mentally

abused by those same people. Yet Jesus would not abandon the

mission before him.

This week we see just how far the son of man will go to fulfill

his calling. In verse 7 we read that he was oppressed and

afflicted yet did not open his mouth, he was led like a lamb to

the slaughter and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he

did not open his mouth. In Matthew 27:12, we read, “When he

was accused by the chief priests and elders, he gave no

answer.” Continuing with verse 13, “Pilate asked him, don’t you

hear the testimony they are bringing again you?” Verse 14,

“Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge to the great

amazement of the governor.”

In Isaiah 53:8 we read he was cut off from the land of the living

for the transgressions of my people he was stricken.” Going

back to Matthew 37 we see in verse 27-31 how the soldiers

mocked him and abused him. Jesus was led off to be killed on

the cross. Death that was reserved for only the most evil

criminals of the day. Isaiah 53:9 says he was assigned a grave

with the wicked and with the rich in his death though he had

done no violence nor was any deceit in his mouth. As Jesus

stood before Pilate a short time before the soldiers would mock

and abuse him. Also right before he would be hung on the

cross, Pilate made this pronouncement as we read in Matthew

27:24, “When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but

instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his

hands in front of the crowd. I am innocent of this man’s blood

he said, it is your responsibility.” Even as Jesus hung dying on

the cross the abuse and taunting continued. In the final verse,

we read in Isaiah 53 we are told it was the Lord’s will to crush

him and cause him to suffer and though the Lord makes his life

a guilt offering he will see his offspring and prolong his days and

the will of the Lord will prosper his hand.

This morning we are going to focus on the first half of verse 10.

Last week we saw how Jesus cried out to God the Father when

all the sins of the world were placed upon him right before he

died. When Jesus cried out, “My God, my God why hast thou

forsaken me?” Just as it said in verse 10 of Isaiah 53, “It was the

Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer.” All the things

mentioned in those first 10 verses of Isaiah 57 were coming

true. In verse 3 we read he would be despised and rejected. In

verse 4 it says he would take our infirmities and carry our

sorrows. Verse 5 says we would be pierced for our

transgressions and crushed for our iniquities and by his wounds

we would be healed. Then what we read once again this

morning he would be oppressed and afflicted, led away like a

lamb to the slaughter, verse 7. Verse 8, cut off from the land of

the living for our transgressions. Verse 9, assigned a grave with

the wicked and in verse 10, “The Father God would make His

life a guilt offering.” And yet in the last half of the 10 th verse, we

see hope is on the way.

We will look at the last two verses of Isaiah 53 next Sunday, but

we see that everything promised to God’s people during

Isaiah’s time came true. It came true exactly as it had been

promised. To mention it yet again, this was given to God’s

people 700 years before it happened. The children of Israel

were looking for the Savior. There had been earlier promises

made so they were hoping he would come during their lifetime.

Yet we see that when the Savior did come to His people they

rejected Him. Jesus did not save them the way they wanted to

be saved. Throughout most of our nation’s history we have

enjoyed greater freedom than virtually any nation in the past

3000 years. Even those who have felt oppressed have enjoyed

greater opportunity than many throughout history.

So I wonder how would I have acted if I had been waiting for

the Messiah and things did not match what some of the leader I

thought I could trust had told me would happen? Would I have

been one who would have taken a step of faith and tried to

follow Jesus? Or would I have been like the Pharisees and

rejected this Messiah who did not measure up to what I was

hoping for? I cannot say it enough how God’s word proves, if

we feel we need proof, that there is a God who is in control. A

God who knows what we need before we know what we need.

A God who loved us enough to come to earth and experience

what we go through and was willing to do what we could never

do for ourselves.

Next Sunday we will finish this most significant chapter of

prophesy in the Bible. We will see just what God’s people

during Isaiah’s time was told would be the result of all that was

predicted. And we will maybe get a better understanding of

what it was to mean to those who actually saw it come true as

well as all who would come after.

May God continue to bless His word and use it to open the eyes

of those living in darkness, those who are outcast, those who

are afflicted, those who need healing, or in other words “all of us”. Amen.

Pastor Larry


Tuesdays 9:30 Bible Study

March 28 12:00 Women’s Fellowship luncheon

Mowing sign up list is in the back. Thank you in advance to

those who sign up.

Offering plates are in the back of the sanctuary. Thank you for

your continued giving!

Donation Box: Camp Emmanuel

First Sundays: food donations for food banks

Pastor Larry Traxler- (217) 454-2362

To keep up on Church of the Brethren news:

Denomination: Sign up for Newsline by

clicking link on left side of page.

District: (click on newsletter link) and on facebook

Our pages: (printed sermon,

announcements, & calendar) and on facebook

Keep in Your Prayers

Family of Charlotte Shively; Todd Henricks; Tate Sawyer; Jonah Martina; Jan Bower; Larry

Traxler; Michelle West; Michelle’s mom; Carolyn Hirsch; Eli

Brunner; Nancy Fansler; Joe Waltz; Doug Larrick; Ron &

Kathleen Petersen; Debbie Leibrock; Dorthea Wood; Tina

Wilhelm; Mindy Sawyer; Marlene Schultz; Carl and Wilma

Cable; Mike and Carol Seidenstricker; Adiline Young; Kim

Lehmann; Doug Fansler; Shawn Cain; Robert Cripe; Mayo &

Darlene Hanaver; Patty Cripe; Lauren Gross; Stacie Warren;

Nancy Gorrell; many unspoken requests; Coronavirus;

healthcare workers and first responders; victims of disasters;

victims of shootings; shut-ins; the Nigerian church; Haitian

Brethren; Ukraine; Hope Welty Library; Florida; Puerto Rico;

Turkey/Syria earthquake

Military and Other Services and their families

Brethren Volunteer Service workers; Disaster project workers

District Prayer Calendar: Chicago First Church and the

Intercultural Ministries Office

Church of the Brethren vision statement:

Together, as the Church of the Brethren, we will passionately live

and share the radical transformation and holistic peace of Jesus

Christ through relationship-based neighborhood engagement. To

move us forward, we will develop a culture of calling and

equipping disciples who are innovative, adaptable, and fearless.

Our Mission Statement:

Love God, grow with others, serve faithfully, reach the lost, find peace.

Monday, March 6, 2023

March 5 Sermon



March 5, 2023


Who Is Jesus? – Part 2

Isaiah 53:3-6

As we continue to look at Who is Jesus we saw from what we read in Isaiah and in Luke last Sunday that Jesus was not born into a prestigious family. Jesus apparently was just an average man in most every way, at least in the eyes of most people. God wanted to make sure the message that Jesus was sharing with those who would listen and observe is what drew people to himself and to God the Father.


This week we see the mission given Jesus was and how it was predicted most people would react to it. Jesus primary mission was to take God’s message of repentance and the opportunity of forgiveness to the Jewish people. Jesus told his disciples In Matthew 10 verse5 not to go to the Gentiles or Samaritans but only to the lost sheep of Israel. Jesus himself told a Canaanite woman that he was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel in Matthew 15:24. So we see Jesus’ primary mission during his ministry was to the Jewish people. Yet we see the prediction in Isaiah 53:3 that Jesus would be despised and rejected by the people Jesus sought to help find salvation and forgiveness. In spite of the rejection that came his way, Jesus willingly took those sins, the suffering of the self-righteous. As well as all the wounds we feel in life. Isaiah 53:4.


In spite of all that, he would ultimately bring peace and healing to a world that is and was in desperate need. I will not site all the examples but time and time again the Jewish leaders challenged the message Jesus was sharing. One such example is in Matthew 22 the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus about who to give money to. Was it right to give money to the ungodly Romans by paying taxes? This was one of countless ways the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus and make sure the average Jewish person would not pay attention to him. The different examples that are throughout the gospels clearly shows that most of the Jewish leadership did just what is written of in Isaiah 53.


Jesus was rejected, smitten, afflicted, crushed and ultimately pierced for our transgressions, our sins. In spite of all the rejection Jesus never waivered from is mission. In Isaiah 53: 6 we see it is predicted in spite of Jesus’ message hope and salvation we would be like sheep that have gone astray/ Peter (in 1 Peter 2:23-25) quotes these verses when talking about what Jesus went through for us. In spite of the willingness to take our place and all Jesus went through for us, the insults, the rejection, our sinfulness, our willingness to be like sheep that are lead astray Jesus took all of that because of his love for each of us. The amazing thing that is also said in these verses we read this morning is that all these things that happened to the Messiah would be placed on him by God the Father. That seems to be shown to be true by what Jesus cried out as he hung on the cross. In Matthew 27 verse 46 we see Jesus saying, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” God the Father and God the Son willing did all these things and had all these things happen just as predicted in Isaiah to bring forgiveness and salvation to a world that often times would and does reject God’s offer of grace. Let me repeat it again. All these things that ultimately happened were predicted in Isaiah 700 years before they happened exactly as predicted.


As we continue to look at what was foretold in Isaiah about how God would bring salvation to all who will receive, we will continue to see how what was spoke of by Isaiah happened. Next week we will see exactly to what lengths God was willing to go to bring salvation to the world.


As we get closer to Easter and the most life changing events that happened in the world, may each one of us take time to search within ourselves to better understand our own relationship with the Lord. It has been said before that each one of us individually is responsible and accountable for what we believe and why we believe it. Isaiah made it clear in spite of God’s attempt to bring salvation to the world not everyone will accept it. Some will violently reject God’s hand of mercy and forgiveness. God wants a deep personal relationship with each one of us. I pray our look at who Jesus is will help us deepen that relationship. As we see how trustworthy the world of God is and we are reminded that God went through all we will ever go through and more because he loves us that much.