Thursday, June 22, 2017

Summer Days--VBS

It's hot outside but it's cool in our sanctuary on Sunday mornings!
Come join us for Sunday School at 9:00 and worship at 10:00, cool off, and connect with God for a refreshing start to your week.
We'd love to see you here!
AND, it's almost time for VBS! Register on line--you can go to our church's facebook pageg, Cerro Gordo Church of the Brethren and find the link to the registration page there or click here:
Register your child by July 21 please.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Strawberry Festival

Today is our annual Strawberry Festival.
Be sure to come--this year's is a fundraiser for Jessie and Stacie Warren.
All the goodies are available for donations.
We have fresh strawberry pies (several of us put them together this morning), ice cream, Texas sheet cake, angel food cake, and strawberries! Yum!!
It's 4:00 to 6:30 today!