September 5,
The gods have come to earth!
ACTS 14:8-20
Chapter 14
begins with Paul and Barnabas at Iconium. They went to the Jewish synagogue
there and a great number of both Jews and Gentiles believed their message. They
again angered the Jews who did not believe and actually, in spite of everything
Paul and Barnabas had done, some of the Jews and Gentiles were convinced Paul
and Barnabas were wrong. Because of that, they spent a considerable amount of
time with the people of Iconium. God even enabled them to perform miraculous
signs and wonders while they were there. Eventually the city broke into two
groups: those who believed the Jews who opposed Paul and Barnabas, and those
who believed and supported God’s message. Ultimately, among the unbelievers a
plot developed to stone Paul and Barnabas. However, Paul and Barnabas learned
of their plans and left the city before they could cause them harm.
This is what
was happening int the first 7 verses of Chapter 14 of Acts. We now see Paul and
Barnabas have come to the town of Lystra. As soon as they get there, they
encounter a man lame from birth. This man was in a position to hear what Paul
was teaching, and obviously Paul took notice of him. Something about the man
led Paul to believe his faith was so strong that healing was possible for the
lame man. Without hesitation Paul looked at this man and boldly said to him, “Stand
up on your feet.” Immediately the man jumped up and began to walk. Can you
imagine? We all either know of people who could use this kind of miracle or
have seen people who have serious physical limitations that would love to have
God’s power displayed in such a way for them. When the crowd in this place
realized what just had happened before their eyes they said, “gods have come
down to us in human form!” They even knew who they were. They called Barnabas,
Zeus and Paul, Hermes. These were two gods who were historically viewed in a
positive way in Lystra. There was even a temple there in honor of Zeus. So when
they saw this unbelievable miracle happen right before their eyes, some of the
people were convinced the gods they had honored for generations had come to
earth and had done this miracle. Once Barnabas and Paul realized what was
happening, they immediately shouted, “Men, why are you doing this? We too are
only men, human like you. We bring you good news, telling you to turn from
these worthless things to the living God who made Heaven and
Earth and sea and everything in them.” They then went on to show how God had
allowed nations to go their own way even though his mercy and grace was always
on display. Even though Paul and Barnabas tried to convince them they were men
entrusted with the message of hope and salvation, many still wanted to treat
them as gods. Apparently, many ultimately believe Paul and Barnabas were just
men because some of the Jewish leaders from Antioch and Iconium found out they
were in Lystra. They came to town and convinced many in the town to turn
against Paul. They actually stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city to
die. As it turned out, some of Paul and Barnabas’ supporters went to Paul and
gathered around him. Paul got up, went back into the city, and the next day
left for the city of Derbe.
Chapter 14
closes out by telling us they preached for a while in Derbe with good success.
They then left and went back to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch--places that Paul
and Barnabas saw the Lord move in a powerful way and yet also saw Satan deceive
many who lived in those cities as well. Their main focus while in each of those
cities was to strengthen the existing church and its leaders.
Paul and
Barnabas had experienced the incredible power of God in all these places and
extreme trials in each of these places as well. They honestly shared what had
been happening and gave the churches a dose of reality. Those of us who are
believers will go through many hardships before we enter the ultimate kingdom
of God. At each church before they left, they appointed elders to continue God’s
work. They prayed with the elders and laid hands on them, seeking God’s power
and blessing before they moved to the next town. Paul and Barnabas finally
returned back to what had become home. Back to Antioch and the support of the
church God used as a safe haven for both Paul and Barnabas. They loved telling
their home church what God was doing among the Gentiles throughout the region.
The chapter ends by saying Paul and Barnabas stayed in Antioch a long time.
We can see
in these verses today that we should not let the highs get too high or the lows
too low. Unlike Herod who we read about a couple weeks ago that loved being
viewed as a god, Paul and Barnabas quickly pointed out “we are men just like
you.” It would have been easy to give in to the praise that was coming their
way, but they never lost sight of the fact that everything that was happening
should be used to point people to God through what Jesus Christ did on the
cross. In spite of lots of successes there were many things that God used to keep
Paul and Barnabas humble and focused. We also see the importance of having a
place you can rest and feel safe. Antioch had become that place for Paul and
Barnabas. I am convinced Antioch was a place they could move about in safety
among believers who loved them and gave them support.
As we look
at what this chapter is telling us as believers today, I am convinced we are
being reminded there will be good days and there will be bad days. At times we
may feel like we are on top of the world and times we are in the deepest pit
there could ever be. The same God that is with you on the mountaintop will
sustain you when you are in the pit. Sometimes we may eventually understand why
things are happen the way they do and other times we may never understand. The important
thing is, no, the essential thing is, to keep our eyes firmly fixed on
Jesus Christ our Lord. He is our refuge in times of trouble and our biggest
cheerleader when things are going well. Also, we are reminded that our church
family should be that safe place we can turn for encouragement and safety. Our
safe haven when the storms of life come our way, the place we can turn to, to
get our batteries recharged. That is one of the most important reasons God has
caused the church to exist. May our Church be that place where we can find
peace and encouragement. Yes, when it comes to the word of God, we do have an
obligation from time to time to speak the truth in love to one another. But God
wants our Church to be that place where we can be honest about who we are. Our
goal, God’s goal, is to help one another be whatever God is calling us to be.
The 14th chapter once again shows how God wants us as the Church to be there
for one another. When that happens God can do great things through us, His
Church, His people. And NO the gods have not come to earth, but the
creator God is living in us and through us as the Holy Spirit moves and
empowers us every day, if we will let him.
Pastor Larry
Bible Study 9:30 Tuesday
September 8 Church Board—6:15 Exec Comm; 7:00 Commissions; 7:30
September 11 4:30 – 7:00 United Methodist Women’s fall dinner
October 2 All church wiener roast
October 9 Rummage sale at Brethren Church to benefit the
Lord’s Storehouse. Take items to Katie or Amy.
November 5, 6 District Conference--Delegates are still needed
Offering plates are in the back of the sanctuary. Thank
Donation Box: Pastor’s Assistance Fund
First Sundays: food donations for food banks
Pastor Larry Traxler- (217) 454-2362
keep up on Church of the Brethren news:
Denomination: www.brethren.org/news Sign
up for Newsline by clicking link on left side of page.
iwdcob.org (click on newsletter link) and on facebook
pages: cerrogordocob.com (printed sermon, announcements, &
calendar) and on facebook
in Your Prayers
Marlene Schultz; Randy West; Jen
Durst; Sarah Rudelick; Sydney (Nancy Gorrell’s niece); Tera Runyan; Tim and
Betty Sue Laird; Carl and Wilma Cable; Marge Starr; Mike Gentry; Larry Albro;
Mike McCleery; Sherry Wright; Mike and Carol Seidenstricker; Sonna Hall; Brittany
Wright; Anna Gentry Thompson; Clyde and Nancy Fansler; Adiline Young; Kim
Lehmann; Dylan Junior; Doug Fansler;
Liza Yore; Candy Dobson; Anna Rose Larrick; Gary Jesse; Shawn Cain;
Robert Cripe; Mayo & Darlene Hanaver; Zola Copeland; Patty Cripe; Lauren
Gross; Stacie Warren; Nancy Gorrell; many unspoken requests; Coronavirus
crisis; healthcare workers and first responders; the families of the 660,000+
people who have died from COVID-19; those who are ill from the virus; the
unemployed; school teachers, staff, and students; victims of disasters; victims
of shootings; nursing home residents; the Nigerian church; Haitian Brethren
Military and Other
Services and their families
Brethren Volunteer
Service workers; Disaster project workers
of the Brethren vision statement:
Together, as the Church of the Brethren, we will passionately
live and share the radical transformation and holistic peace of Jesus Christ
through relationship-based neighborhood engagement. To move us forward, we will
develop a culture of calling and equipping disciples who are innovative,
adaptable, and fearless.
Mission Statement:
God, grow with others, serve faithfully, reach the lost, find peace.
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