Monday, April 20, 2020

April 19 Sermon and Announcements

You can view the video of Larry's sermon on our facebook page:
Cerro Gordo Church of the Brethren.
He will be delivering the message on facebook again next Sunday at 10:00.

2 TIMOTHY 1:7 “For God hath not given us a spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love, of a sound mind.” KJV

I would like to share some thoughts on what this nation and the world has been going through. For over a month in America, longer than that for some other parts of the world. I am not going to look at where the virus came from or about how the political leaders have led throughout. I would like us to spend a few minutes on the attitude that people in this nation have shown during this virus, especially the medical leaders and some of the political leaders. Let’s think back two months ago. We knew this virus was affecting some in Europe and of course China and other parts of Asia but nothing seemed to be happening here. All that began to change first on the west coast, then on the east coast, especially New York. As we all know, as the virus spread in America, our  health leaders and Federal and State leaders soon imposed restrictions that we still have to “flatten the curve”, which gets us up to date on where we are in Illinois and America. We must get a vaccine, we must get treatments we know work, we must be able to do lots of testing. We must get the Coronavirus under control is what many of the experts and political leaders have been telling us. Man has craved control over his and her life from the very beginning. Soon after Adam and Eve were created Satan came to Eve in the form of a serpent and basically told Eve, God wants to control you and he knows if you eat from this one tree YOU will be in control (Genesis 3:1-5). It continued as we see with their first son, Cain, and it continues to this day. We want control over our lives and have this belief we can have it. After all, we are smart enough many say, and more and more I am afraid America and the world not only doesn’t believe they really need God but don’t believe there is a God. In I Corinthians 1:25 we read, “The foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.” Many want to believe the only way we can have a comfortable life is we must be in control. If this virus has taught us anything, it is how little control we really have and how quickly we can lose what little control we may believe we do have. Last Sunday as we looked at the events from Palm Sunday to Easter, we saw this play out to the disciples. On Palm Sunday, all was good, but in four short days things seemed to spiral out of control really. But the fact is GOD WAS IN CONTROL throughout. In all honesty, what is going on in the world is a preview of what is still to come. In Luke 21:10, Jesus said nation will raise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines, and pestilences in various places and fearful events and great signs from heaven. Just so you know, “pestilence” means a fatal epidemic disease. In the last days, these things WILL happen. I am not sharing this to scare you. I am sharing this to encourage you to realize we belong to a God who is in control. He knows about everything that is happening. Did he cause this? No, I don’t think so, but clearly, he has allowed it to happen. As I have listened to some of our federal and local leaders and listened to the medical experts, I am struck by the arrogance, at times, of man. We can’t resume life in American until we have this virus under control, some are saying. When one of the governors was asked why is the virus was not seemingly as bad as we thought it might be? He said it’s not because of God or faith, it is because of us. What a sad commentary on America and the world if they really believe this. Even though we have been reminded how little control we have; man continues to want to believe it’s all up to us. We can once again control our own destiny. I am sharing this for one very honest and basic reason. I am encouraged to know I love and believe in a God who is in control. Even when the world and my life seem out of control. I serve a God who sees and understands what is going on. I am not saying God doesn’t use man to accomplish some incredible things. I believe God allows us to understand some amazing things in medicine and in other areas of life on this Earth. At the same time, we all know there are many hurting badly, as loved ones have been lost to this virus. God feels the pain as well of every single person dealing with loss at this time. However, we should not lose sight of the fact we will get through this crisis. But when it comes down to it, it won’t be in spite of God, it will be, regardless of what anyone says, because of God. We as God’s church need to walk in the fact that God is in control. The verse we looked at to begin with is what I choose to walk in. God did not give me a spirit of fear but of power, of love and of a sound mind. We should be careful. We should, especially those of higher risk, take proper precautions. But we should also acknowledge before God how little control we really have. And that is not a bad thing. Because I am a child of the God that wants the best for you and me. We should be comforted by the fact he is in control and we can face life with confidence knowing that.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. I will see you next week at 10 a.m. I would encourage you to open this link and listen to a song by Big Daddy Weave, the song title is “I Know” ( This song speaks to this time in our life.

God will take care of you. Remember God loves you and we love you.


April 26: worship with us on facebook live at 10:00 when Larry gives the message (You must “Like” the Cerro Gordo Church of the Brethren facebook page and then Larry should pop up on facebook when he comes on the air.) You can also watch this any time after the session is over.

Offerings: Thanks to everyone for keeping up with your offerings! They are coming in. Please continue to either mail your offerings to the church at PO Box 45 or, if you have a key to the church, put it in the donation box at the back of the sanctuary.

The mowing schedule has been emailed to those who have email addresses and snail mailed to those who don’t. It is also posted on the bulletin boards at church. Please let Carol know if you signed up but didn’t receive a schedule.

Let Stacie know of any supplies you need and are unable to get for yourself. Someone in the church will get them for you.

May 6: Mother-Daughter Banquet is cancelled.
June 7: tentative date for the Strawberry Festival. We are talking about doing this differently. Details will come later.

First Sunday of the month: Food Banks
Food needs: boxes of cereal, boxes of prepared foods, such as soups, potatoes, rice, mac & cheese, peanut butter, jelly

Donation Box: Camp Emmanuel

--Don’t forget to check mailboxes when you are able.

Larry Traxler’s phone number: 217-454-2362   

Keep in Your Prayers
Adiline Young; Barb Baker; Kim Lehmann; Dylan Junior; Doug Fansler; Clyde and Nancy Fansler; Liam Martina; Ali Bryant; Jeff Sawyer; Liza Yore; Candy Dobson; Anna Rose Larrick; Mike Gentry; Gary Jesse; Robert & Laurie Morr; Norm & Marge Starr; Shawn Cain; Robert Cripe; Mayo Hanaver; Zola Copeland and family; Tim and Betty Sue Laird; Larry Nall; Leslie Lake; Jennifer Like; Patty Cripe; Lauren Gross; Stacie Warren; many unspoken requests; traveling mercies for those on the road; Coronavirus crisis; healthcare workers and first responders; family of Helen Sulwer

Welcome, Presley Dale Born who arrived on April 19, 2020. Proud parents are Kaylin and Blake Born, proud big brother is Brooks.

Military and Other Services and their families
Brethren Volunteer Service workers; Disaster project workers

Prayers and cards of encouragement are requested for our Shut-ins:
Zola Copeland – 214 E. Fitch St. Forsyth, IL.
Anna Rose Larrick C/O Evergreen Place #110
4825 E. Evergreen Ct. Decatur IL. 62521
Shawn Cain – 208 West Wait St. Cerro Gordo IL. 61818
 Robert Cripe – 21 Park Street Danville IL. 61832

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