Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Sermon and Announcements February 25


February 25, 2024

What Is My Gift?

Romans 12:4-8

The last time I was with you was Service Sunday. The Church of the

Brethren encouraged us to think about different ways we can serve our

church and our community, how we can serve God and one another.

This Sunday I would like each one of us to take it a step further.

Both in Romans, chapter 12 and 1 Corinthians, chapter 12, we are told

of gifts that have been given to those of us in God’s church, gifts given

to us by the Holy Spirit. We are to use those gifts to build up one

another and to serve in whatever way God leads us.

This morning, we are going to look at the verses in Romans. I know

virtually everyone in this congregation has served in 1 or more ways in

this church or in another church during your lifetime. God has given

each and every one of us gifts we are to use for His kingdom work.

Some of us may feel we are better in one area but maybe not as good

in some others. Paul is pointing out to the church in Rome that just as

the human body has many different parts, so does the body of Christ.

For the human body to work it’s best all the different parts need to

operate to the best of their ability. That is also true for the body of


There are 7 different gifts mentions in these verses in Romans. In 1

Corinthians there are 9 different gifts listed. On the surface the lists

seem very different but when you understand the purpose of the gifts,

they are pretty similar. To build up the church and to empower us to do

what God has called us to do.

This morning, we are going to focus on the ones found in Romans.

1. Prophesying

2. Serving

3. Teaching

4. Encouraging

5. Contributing (giving)

6. Leadership

7. Showing mercy

Most of these gifts are pretty easy to understand. Let’s quickly look at

them one at a time.

~~Prophesying may also be viewed as someone in a spiritual leadership

position. One willing to faithfully proclaim the Word of God whether it is

easy or not. Multiple examples of prophets in the Old Testament

proclaiming God’s desires for His people.

~~Serving. That can take on a number of different meanings. It requires

someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish a goal

without worrying about who gets the credit or who is in charge.

~~Teaching. That one also can take a variety of appearances. There are

many things that need to be taught and it takes a special person to be

able to effectively and sometimes patiently teach others.

~~Encouraging. The church needs cheerleaders, people who will build

others up, especially when things are not going well.

~~Contribute. This does not just mean giving money in support of God’s

work. It can also mean giving of your time. Whatever way God call a

person to contribute they are encouraged to do it generously.

~~Leadership or being a leader. As with many of the other gifts, this can

go many different directions. There can be a variety of different

projects going on in the church throughout the year. It is important that

someone be willing take a leadership role to see that it is successful. In

most cases, there can be different leaders throughout the year,

depending on the project or job.

~~Mercy. I believe every member of the body of Christ should have this

gift. However, some are called to use this gift in a more powerful,

compassionate and consistent way than others.

When we look at these 7 gifts, I believe every church needs to have

these gifts flowing through it on a regular basis. If we are to fulfill the

call placed on us, both as individual Christians and as the church, being

examples of Jesus Christ to our part of the world and our communities.

We must encourage one another to use those gifts God has given us.

The most important thing is that we allow the Lord to use us right here,

right now as best we can to be God’s witnesses in an honest, loving and

faithful way.

Pastor Larry


Sunday School 9:00

Tuesday 9:30 Bible Study

February 28 Newsletter submission deadline

--Please sign up to give a children’s message during worship

and/or children’s story lesson in the nursery during the sermon.

We need your help.

Pastor Larry Traxler- (217) 454-2362

Donation Box for February: Utilities

First Sundays: Food Bank donations

Keep in Your Prayers

Carole McClarey; Dave White; Louis & Carol Sulwer; Ava; Nora Hanaver; Jan Bower; Larry Traxler;

Randy and Michelle West; Mike Gentry; Eli Brunner; Nancy Fansler;

Doug Larrick; Ron & Kathleen Petersen; Debbie Leibrock; Dorthea

Wood; Tina Wilhelm; Mike and Carol Seidenstricker; Adiline Young;

Kim Lehmann; Mayo & Darlene Hanaver; Stacie Warren; Nancy

Gorrell; many unspoken requests; victims of disasters; victims of

shootings; shut-ins; the Nigerian church; Haitian Brethren; Ukraine;

Israel and Hamas war

Military and Other Services and their families

Brethren Volunteer Service workers; Disaster project workers

District Prayer Calendar: Leap Day “week”—pray for our own

congregation and about what leap of faith we might make this year.

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