September 8, 2024
Jesus Promises Peace
John 14:27
Jesus promised his disciples he was leaving them with his peace. At the
time Jesus made this promise he had been telling them things were
going to get hard. Yet Jesus wanted them to know what was available
to them. When we look at our lives how often would you say you are
living in the peace Jesus promised? Most of us, if not all of us, have had
times in our lives when real peace or peace of mind seemed hard to
find. Why is that? After all Jesus said, “Peace I leave to you my peace I
give to you.” So, what is the problem?
I believe there are two reasons why peace seems hard to find at time in
our lives.
Reason #1 - Satan. We are told time and time again Satan is a liar. In
John 8 Jesus is having a discussion with some Jews who are questioning
Jesus about who he really is. In verse 44 he is telling them their
problem is that they are listening to Satan more than God. And toward
the end of verse 44 Jesus states just who Satan really is. Speaking of
Satan, Jesus says this, “When he lies, he speaks his native language for
he is a liar and the father of lies.” So, what is one of the reasons we may
not live in the peace God has for us? Because Satan is lying to us about
who we are, about what is happening in our lives and about who God
is. As Christians we are not supposed to fall for his tricks anymore, are
we? But sometimes for any one of a number of reasons we do.
Before we go back to the promise Jesus made to his disciples, to God’s
people, let us look at the second reason we do not always have the
peace Jesus promised. Reason #2 is related to reason #1. When I said
Satan is a liar as reason number #1, I mean the purposeful lies Satan
throws our way to depress us, to make us feel unworthy, bring guilt and
resentment towards God.
Reason #2 – We do not live in the peace God has for us is more on us.
Satan doesn’t really have to do anything special to steal our peace, we
in some ways, willingly give it up. We get overwhelmed by work, by
family, by finances, by health concerns, to the point peace is nowhere
to be found. And we think it is our burden to carry all alone, no one else
understands or no one else cares, including God.
As I have been sharing this list, maybe some of you are thinking of
other things that has stolen your peace. So, what is the solution? How
do we tap into this spirit-filled peace Jesus has promised?
1. Trust God.
2. Pray that God will help you to put and keep Satan in his place.
3. Believe the promise of peace is real and for you.
At times it seems we must start each new day asking for God to bring
the peace the Holy Spirit gives afresh in our life. Then we need to pray
that God will drive Satan’s lies as far away from our lives as the east is
from the west. Then we must claim the peace Jesus promised us to
overcome, whatever it might be that is coming against us. Satan loves
to remind us of things in our past. Whether it be sins we have
committed or, in some cases, memories of things we may have enjoyed
that are no longer there and Satan tries to tell us there will never be
good times again. As God’s children, we have the right to claim the
peace Jesus promised, even in the midst of difficult times. As Jesus was
once again warning his disciples of what was about to happen, he said
this to them in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me
you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble but take heart,
I overcome the world.”
Just as we talked last week, that in the midst of difficult times God’s
promise of hope is real and there to hang onto and so is the peace
Jesus promised. If necessary, minute by minute and day by day, ask the
Holy Spirit to give you the peace Jesus promised his followers. Problems
and difficult times will not necessarily miraculously disappear, but yours
and my ability to face those challenges with an attitude of Godly peace
is ours to claim. If you are not seeing God’s peace in your life as much
as you would like, make the decision today to claim Jesus’ promise for
yourself right now.
Pastor Larry
Sunday School 9:00
Tuesday 9:30 Bible Study
KYB is on-going at the Brethren Church on Wednesdays after
school for 3 rd through 5 th graders.
A special Church of the Brethren Mission Offering will be
collected next Sunday, September 15. Envelopes will be
available in the back if you would like to participate.
We need volunteers for the children’s message during worship
and for story lessons in the nursery. Please sign up.
Pastor Larry Traxler (217) 454-2362
Donation Box for September: utilities
First Sundays: Food Bank donations
Keep in Your Prayers
Elliott (Evelyn Eads’ great-grandson); Alan Baker; Ruth Siburt;
Sharon Traughber; Dorthea Wood; Mike and Kathy Gentry;
Steve Needham; Larry Traxler; Nancy Fansler; Stacie Warren;
Nancy Gorrell; Nora Hanaver; Ron and Kathleen Petersen;
Doug Larrick; Shirley Clarkson; David and Jan Bower; Debbie
Garvey Leibrock; Mike and Carol Seidenstricker; Adiline Young;
Mayo and Darlene Hanaver; many unspoken requests; victims
of shootings and of natural disasters; shut-ins; the Nigerian
church; the Haitian church; those in the middle of war and
violence; military and other services and their families; Brethren
Volunteer Service workers; Disaster project workers
District Prayer Calendar: Pray for the Naperville congregation
and for the Church of the Brethren Global Food Initiative.