Monday, June 8, 2020

June 7 Sermon and Announcements


ACTS 2:1-41

Jesus had promised the disciples the Holy Spirit would come after he left to go back to God the Father in heaven. As we read in the 2nd chapter of Acts, something historic that had never happened before happened yet again. During Jesus’ time on this earth many new things happened, and God had one more amazing miracle to share with his creation at this time. First, the disciples literally were speaking in real languages they didn’t know. I am sure it would be like you and me right now saying words we thought were in English but when the words came out of our mouths, it was Spanish, French, or Japanese or something else. When people who were there from different countries or regions heard this, they were amazed. Some of them tried to make excuses, these guys are drunk and that is why it is happening. If you and I were drunk, I could pretty much guarantee we would not be speaking fluent Russian just out of the blue. Of course, Peter stepped up and tried to explain what was happening. Some tried to stop God’s message of salvation and hope, and we see they failed. Because once again God’s plan and ours are often different from one another. The Jewish leaders knew what they wanted God to do; even the disciples knew what they hoped God would do.  But God’s kingdom is not of this world. John 18:36 says my kingdom is not of this world, if it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place. The Holy Spirit had come to all who receive, and He will transform the hearts and minds of people in ways that had never happened before. A new way yet again was being ushered in by God and God’s eternal kingdom is going to be established his way, not anyone else’s. Going back again in John, we are reminded what the Holy Spirit will help us do and understand. Let us read John 16:5-11. Submitting to the Holy Spirit of God is the only way to true change that will last. Peter explained this to the crowd that heard the disciples and saw what was happening.   And when Peter got personal and truly helped them understand God’s plan, the Holy Spirit did great things in the lives of thousands of people right then and there.  And God’s way of changing lives and this world had begun. When we look at what is going on in America today, this is what we truly need as a Nation now. God’s healing and transforming Holy Spirit changing lives. God is on the Throne. He can and will change lives and attitudes. But he will not go where he isn’t invited. As much as we want to force change, it only truly happens with a change of the heart. All we can do is live lives that as best we can glorify God and His Word. Yes, we can and should speak out when we see injustice, but we must accept the fact only God through the Holy Spirit can truly change and transform lives. But that is still happening: God is not done working in men and women’s lives yet. What the Holy Spirit began with the disciples 2000 years ago is still available and happening today. But we must admit Satan is still alive and well as well. He is still deceiving and tragically destroying lives wherever he can. It is up to us, church, to share God’s transforming message of true salvation as best we can. God is NOT dead. He is still in the business of speaking truth and love. We need to stand strong and stand firm. We read in the 2nd chapter of Acts the Holy spirit has come. God’s plans will be accomplished. We must not lose heart. God as overcome the world. We have the victory thru JESUS CHRIST, our Savior.



June: We will worship in the sanctuary at 10:00 for those who feel comfortable coming. Physical distancing must be maintained and the wearing of face masks, please. We will also continue the facebook live service for those who wish to stay home. We will NOT start Sunday School yet.

June 10: Board Meeting: 6:15 executive comm; 7:00 commissions; 7:30 board meeting; physical distancing and face masks please.

June 13: We will need volunteers to wash and stem strawberries at 10:15 a.m. (Note change of time). We will practice physical distancing and face mask wearing while doing this. We will also need volunteers to put together the pies on Sunday morning before church time so people who come to church can take their pies and berries home with them. Donations will be accepted at the time you pick up your goodies.

Graduates:   Jordan Wright, Madison Warren, and Allena Vest graduate from CGHS.

                        Congratulations to all three and the rest of the graduates!

Upper Room: May/June issues are still available. You may also get a PDF copy of the May/June issue of UPPER ROOM on line at

Daily Bread: June – August issue is available.

Offerings: Thanks to everyone for keeping up with your offerings! Please continue to either mail your offerings to the church at PO Box 45 or, if you have a key to the church, put it in the donation box at the back of the sanctuary in a properly marked envelope.

Please let Stacie Warren or Larry Traxler know of any supplies you need and are unable to get for yourself. Someone in the church will get them for you.

Let Carol Kussart or Kathy Gentry know if you need a mask.


First Sunday of the month: Food Banks

Food needs: boxes of cereal, boxes of prepared foods, such as soups, potatoes, rice, mac & cheese, peanut butter, jelly

This month please consider sending The Lord’s Storehouse a monetary donation. The address is PO Box 229, La Place, IL 61936.

Donation Box May and June: Vacation Bible School

Keep up on denominational happenings at

Larry Traxler’s phone number: 217-454-2362   

Keep in Your Prayers

Arnold Schultz; Steve Fansler; Wilma Cable; Clyde and Nancy Fansler; Shirley Clarkson; Mike Seidenstricker; Adiline Young; Barb Baker; Kim Lehmann; Dylan Junior; Doug Fansler; Liam Martina; Ali Bryant; Jeff Sawyer; Liza Yore; Candy Dobson; Anna Rose Larrick; Gary Jesse; Norm & Marge Starr; Shawn Cain; Robert Cripe; Mayo Hanaver; Zola Copeland and family; Jennifer Like; Patty Cripe; Lauren Gross; Stacie Warren; Nancy Gorrell; many unspoken requests; Coronavirus crisis; healthcare workers and first responders; Joe Martina’s cousin who has COVID-19; the 110,000+ people who have died from COVID-19; protestors

Military and Other Services and their families

Brethren Volunteer Service workers; Disaster project workers

Prayers and cards of encouragement are requested for:

Zola Copeland – 214 E. Fitch St. Forsyth, IL 62535-9668

Anna Rose Larrick C/O Evergreen Place #110

4825 E. Evergreen Ct. Decatur IL 62521

Shawn Cain – 208 West Wait St. Cerro Gordo IL 61818

Robert Cripe – 21 Park Street Danville IL 61832

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